Escape From Sobibor


Unrated 19871987-01-01T00:00:00 1987-01-01T00:00:00 143 minsPT2H23M SUBSCRIPTION

Synopsis Toward the end of WWII, the Nazi regime had set up three concentration camps in Eastern Poland. Belzec, Treblinka and Sobibor had been created for only one purpose...death. An escape had occurred at Treblinka, causing the Commandant at Sobibor to vow that an escape would never happen at his camp. A large group of Jewish prisoners held there had been temporarily spared from the gas chambers in order to perform degrading manual labor at the camp. Reminded of their inhumane fate with each passing day, the prisoners knew it was only a matter of time until they too were executed. They also knew that an equal number of their fellow captives would be killed should only a few of them attempt to flee. Their only hope was a mass breakout of all 600 prisoners. However, such an unheard of feat would mean the brutal Ukrainian guards and German officers would have to be killed, which many of the doomed captives felt would simply reduce them to the level of their captors, thus making this horrifyingly true story not only about the struggle to survive but also the struggle of conscience.

Studio: Osiris

Genres: Drama

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