The Croods: A New Age


PG 20202020-11-20T00:00:00 2021-02-23T00:00:00 95 minsPT1H35M PREMIUM

Synopsis The Croods face their biggest challenge of all: another family. The Croods need a new place to live. When they discover an idyllic walled-in paradise that meets all their needs, they think their problems are solved... except for one thing. Another family already lives there: the Bettermans. The Bettermans (emphasis on the 'better') - with their elaborate tree house, amazing inventions and irrigated acres of fresh produce - are a couple of steps above the Croods on the evolutionary ladder. When they take the Croods in as the world's first houseguests, it isn't long before tensions escalate. Just when all seems lost, a new threat will propel both families on an epic adventure outside the safety of the wall, one that will force them to embrace their differences, draw strength from each other and forge a future together.

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