Flava Flav - Prince Of Blackness Takes A Bow Unauthorized


Unrated 20082008 2008 60 minsPT1H0M PREMIUM

Synopsis Flava Flav has had a tumultuous career to say the least. This DVD documents all of the ups and downs in an extraordinary fashion. At his peak as the hype man in Public Enemy, he had it all, but his out-of-control drug use and numerous arrests led the group to dispose of him. Down on his luck and struggling financially, Flava uncannily got back on top... of Bridgette Nielsen, when he was taking part in the hit series, Surreal Life. This new found fame landed Flav his own shows, Flava of Love, Under One Roof and an increasing number of baby momma drama confrontations. There's no shame in Flav's game. Yeahhhhh boyee!

Director: Actors:

Studio: MVD Visual

Genres: Music, Documentary

https://www.flixfling.com/movie/4957/watch-Flava-Flav---Prince-Of-Blackness-Takes-A-Bow-Unauthorized https://www.flixfling.com/movie/4957

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