Jungle Killer - Jungle Girl S1 E10

10 1 Jungle Girl https://www.flixfling.com/movie/17616 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0033776 SUBSCRIPTION

Unrated 19411941-01-01T00:00:00 1941-01-01T00:00:00 20 minsPT0H20M SUBSCRIPTION

Synopsis Our heroes finally catch hold of Shamba and he reveals a critical piece of information that leads them back to the treasure cave. They happen upon the trove of diamonds, and pick up a clever disguise to save their own skins. Meanwhile, the evil Latimer takes Shamba captive until the diamonds are found; Shamba shows cunning of him own when he realizes an angry gorilla who is intent on destroying Latimer.

https://www.flixfling.com/movie/5350/watch-Jungle-Killer-Jungle-Girl-S1-E10 https://www.flixfling.com/movie/5350

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