Diamond Trail - Jungle Girl S1 E14

14 1 Jungle Girl https://www.flixfling.com/movie/17616 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0033776 SUBSCRIPTION

Unrated 19411941-01-01T00:00:00 1941-01-01T00:00:00 20 minsPT0H20M SUBSCRIPTION

Synopsis Nyoka, Kimbu, and Curly come up with a clever trick to frighten away the attacking natives from the plane! Stanton sustains a bad injury during the fight, and Nyoka and Curly take him someplace safe. Will Stanton be able to recover? Later, Nyoka travels by elephant and is spotted by Shamba and his men. Nyoka is going to be burned at the stake unless her friends can arrive in time to save her!

https://www.flixfling.com/movie/5360/watch-Diamond-Trail-Jungle-Girl-S1-E14 https://www.flixfling.com/movie/5360

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