A Fanatic Heart: Geldof On Yeats


Unrated 20162016-04-03T00:00:00 2018-07-18T00:00:00 99 minsPT1H39M SUBSCRIPTION

Synopsis Through performances of some of Yeats' most iconic poems by leading Irish and British cultural figures, Bob Geldof reveals how Yeats and others built the scaffolding of a new independent Ireland decades before the Rising - but how Yeats' vision for a modern, pluralist, inclusive Ireland was pushed aside by the narrow-minded Catholic elite of the new Free State. Includes CD featuring readings from the award winning documentary.

https://www.flixfling.com/movie/25124/watch-A-Fanatic-Heart-Geldof-On-Yeats https://www.flixfling.com/movie/25124

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