Outlaw Money - The Adventures of Robin Hood S2 E12

12 2 The Adventures of Robin Hood https://www.flixfling.com/movie/17671 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0047706 SUBSCRIPTION

Unrated 19551955 1955 30 minsPT0H30M SUBSCRIPTION

Synopsis Money problems are not new, but outlaws have unconventional methods of solving them. To help the villagers of Lotham, who are being very heavily taxed, Robin supplies table silver to the silversmith and official minter of Nottingham to melt down into coin. Unknown to Robin, the Sheriff already suspects the silversmith is in sympathy with King Richard.

https://www.flixfling.com/movie/5610/watch-Outlaw-Money-The-Adventures-of-Robin-Hood-S2-E12 https://www.flixfling.com/movie/5610

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