She Came to the Valley


PG 19791979-01-01T00:00:00 1979-01-01T00:00:00 90 minsPT1H30M SUBSCRIPTION

Synopsis A true-life saga of a pioneer family's struggle to homestead in South Texas during a time of political conflict in Mexico. Together with her crippled husband Pat and two young daughters, Willy happily works their farm in Webb County, Texas, until the family befriends amiable drifter Bill Lester who urges them to move to the Rio Grande Valley. The Westalls migrate to the budding town of Mission where Willy opens a general store. All seems well until they discover Lester is a gunrunner sympathetic to the cause of Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa. Tragedy befalls the family when they become embroiled in the warfare between Villa and the Mexican soldiers who pose as bandits and raid the town in an effort to discredit the legendary rebel leader.

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